Version Español

Chapter 1
  - Scientific studies on vibrations
  - Physical Centers and Spiritual Centers
  - Chakras or Plexus
  - Kirlian Camera

Chapter 2
  - Human aspects and Spiritual Aspects
  - Classification of the vibrations
  - Encarnation and death
  - Evolution and Progress
  - Primitive man and Scientific Man
  - Law of Action and Reaction
  - Law of Evolution

Chapter 3
  - Elliptical Evolution
  - Kingdoms of Nature
  - Geological Ages
  - Evolutionary Process

Chapter 4
  - Reincarnation

Chapter 5
  - Selfish Love
  - Tolerance
  - Anger
  - Fanaticism

Chapter 6
  - Jealousy
  - Hatred
  - Pain
  - Critisism
  - Fraternity

Chapter 7
  - Will
  - Free Will
  - Discernmet
  - Spiritual and Human Faith

Chapter 8
  - Spiritual and Human Power
  - Good and Evil
  - Conclusions

Chapter 9
  - Spiritual and Human Trayectory
  - Spiritual Tasks in our world
  - Human Form
  - Elliptical Evolution Process

Chapter 10
  - Prayer
  - Spiritual and Physical Planes

Chapter 11
  - Incarnation
  - Transmigration
  - Cremation
  - Suicide

Chapter 12
  - Astral Plane

First Part - Comments
  - The Kirlian Effect
  - The universalism of the Religions
  - Update of concepts in the Catholic Church
  - Science Position about the Tora II
