Next we will explain the prayer, main means to request aid to our evolved brothers.
The prayer would have at night to be the key of the day and the bolt. THOMAS FULLER |
Dr Alexis Carrel, celebrates thinker and
physiologist who outside honored with the Prize Nóbel de Medicina of
1912. (Extracts of its work "the Oration").
"To us - men of the West the reason seems to us
muy.superior.a the intuition; we greatly preferred intelligence
to the feeling. Science radiates, at the rate that the religion
is extinguished. We followed Discardings and we left Pascal."
"This way we tried, in the first place, to cultivate our
intelligence. As far as the nonintellectual activities of the
spirit, such as the moral sense, the sense of the beautiful thing and,
mainly, the sense of the asylum, are despised in almost complete
"the atrophy of these fundamental activities turns to the
modern man in a completely blind being, and that disease does not
allow him to be a good constituent element of the society. And
to the bad quality of the individual we must attribute the decline of
our civilization."
"In fact, the spiritual thing becomes for the success of the
life like the intellectual and the material so necessary.
Therefore, he is urgent to make appear again in we ourself
those mental activities that, more than intelligence, give force to
our personality. And the most ignored of among them it is the
sense of the asylum, the religious feeling."
"the sense of the asylum is expressed, mainly, by the oration.
The oration, like the sense of the asylum, is, evidently, a
spiritual phenomenon. But, being the spiritual world outside
the field of our techniques, how we must, meanwhile, to acquire a
positive knowledge of the oration "
"Happily, the dominion of Science includes the totality of
which he is observable and it can, by interval of the physiology, to
extend until the manifestations of the spiritual thing."
"Thus, it is by the systematic observation of the man who says,
that we can learn of what the phenomenon of the oration consists, the
technique of its production and its effects."
"Definition of the oration: The
oration seems to be, essentially, a tension of the spirit towards the
"immaterial substractum" of the world. Of a general way it
consists of a complaint, an anguish shout, an aid order, and sometimes
one becomes a calm contemplation of the Principle Inmanente and
Trascendente of all the things."
"We can also define it like an elevation of the soul towards
God or like an act of love and adoration towards That to That must
this wonder that is called Life."
"In fact, the oration represents the effort of the man to
communicate with an invisible, Creative Being of everything what
exists, Supreme Wisdom, Force and Beauty, Father of all and each one
of us."
"Far from consisting of a simple recitación of formulas, the
true oration represents a mystical state in which the conscience is
absorbed in God."
"This state is not of intellectual nature, and for that reason
he remains inaccessible for the philosophers and the wise people;
in the same way that the sense of the beautiful thing and the
love does not demand any libresco knowledge."
"the simple souls feel God as naturally as they feel the heat
of the sun or the perfume of a flower; but this so accesible
God for which it knows it to love, hides itself for that it does not
know it to include/understand."
"the thought and the word feel impotent to describe it.
It is why the oration finds his more high expression in an
ecstasy of love through the dark night of intelligence."
"How one is due to pray: We learned
the technique of the oration with the Christian mystics."
"to reach to God no longer there are bloody necessity of a
ceremonial complex, nor sacrifices. The oration was made and
its simple technique thus easy."
"to pray coarse only a effort to elevate to us towards God;
such effort, nevertheless, must be affective and
nonintellectual. Be short or you release, you are vocal or
hardly mental, the plegaria must be similar to the conversation that a
boy has with his father."
"Each one appears as is"; in sum, it is prayed as it is
loved: yet our being."
"As far as the form of the oration, he varies from the short
elevation towards God, to the contemplation; from the simple
words pronounced by the farmer before the cross in an encounter of
ways, to the magnificencia of a gregoriano song under the vaults of a
cathedral. The solemnity, the greatness and the beauty are not
necessary for the effectiveness of the oration, and either there is no
necessity to be eloquent to be taken care of."
"When the value of the oration by its results is considered,
ours humbler words of plea and praise are so acceptable to the
Gentleman of all the beings like the most beautiful invocations."
"and also it is prayed by means of the action; San Luis
Gonzaga already said that the fulfillment of having is equivalent to
the plegaria. The best way to communicate with God is,
unquestionably, to fulfill completely Its Will. "Father our:
Your Kingdom comes to us, thus hágase Your Earth Will like in
Skies... ". And to make the Will of God consists, evidently, in
obeying the Laws of the Life, as They are recorded in our weaves, our
blood and our spirit."
"the orations, that rise like a heavy cloud of the Earth
surface, differ as much from others as they defer the personalities
from which says. But they consist of variations on these two
subjects: the bitterness and the love. He is entirely
right to implorar aid to God to obtain that of which we have
necessity, whereas he would be absurd to request the accomplishment of
a whim, or to request what we must try to us with our effort."
"the persistent and intense order well is taken care of.
A blind person, seated to the border of the way sent his strong
pleas more and more, in spite of the people who wanted it to make shut
up. "Your faith cured to you", díjole Jesus who happened."
"In its elevated form more, the oration stops being a request;
the man declares, to the Gentleman of all the things, who
thanks for His favors to him and that are arranged to make Their Will,
is she as he will be. The plegaria becomes, thus, in
"an old farmer was seated single in the last bank of an empty
church. What delays, preguntáronle. "I
contemplate It to" - the man responded and "he contemplates me".".
"the value of a technique is considered by its results.
All technique of oration is good when it puts to the man in
contact with God."
"Where and when one is due to pray. It can be prayed everywhere: in the street, an
automobile, a wagon, the writing-desk, the school, the office.
But it is said better in the fields, mountains, the forests,
next to the sea or in the solitude of the quarter."
"Also they are the liturgical orations that become in the
church, but, anyone is the place of the oration, God does not speak to
the man if this one does not stay in calm state. The inner calm
depends, at the same time, of our organic and mental state and the
means in which we were submerged; but La Paz of the body and
the spirit is difficult to obtain in the middle of the confusion, the
racket and the dispersion of the modern cities. Only being made
a habit pray, the oration acts on the character; therefore, it
is precise to pray frequently. "It thinks about God more times
than those than you breathe", said Epícteto."
"He is absurd that we pray in the morning and that in the rest
of the day we behave like Barbarians. Short thoughts or mental
invocations can maintain to the man in the presence of God;
then, all our way to come will be inspired by the oration."
"Thus included/understood, the plegaria becomes a way to live."
"Effects of the oration: When it has
been done in advisable conditions, the oration always is followed by a
result, "Never man some prayed without learning some thing" wrote
Ralph Waldo Emerson. Meanwhile saying is considered, by the
modern men, like a habit fallen in disuse, a superstition or a rest of
barbarism. For that reason we ignored its effects almost
"Which are, in fact, the causes of that ignorance? In
the first place, the little use of the oration. The sense of
the asylum is on the verge of disappearing between the civilized
"In addition, the oration is often sterile, since many of which
pray are egoistic, proud, incapable of faith and love. The
answer to our orders and our Love is usually given, in slow form,
insensible and inaudible. The observers are often disoriented
by the fact that the answer is in many cases, far from being that that
was expected. Thus, that that requests the cure of an organic
disease continues ill, but it undergoes a deep and inexplicable moral
"psico-physiological Effects: The
oration acts on the spirit and the body in a form that seems to depend
on its quality, its intensity and its frequency. It is easy to
know which is the frequency of the oration and, in a certain
measurement, his intensity; as far as the quality, stranger
stays, because we do not have means to measure the faith and the
capacity of love of the others. When the oration is habitual
and truely fervent, its influence becomes more manifest and we can
compare it to the one of an internal secretion gland, like, for
example, the thyroid or the suprarrenal. It consists of a
species of mental and organic transformation that operates in a
progressive form."
"Diríase that in deepest of the conscience ignites a flame.
The man sees such as he is, he puts in discovered his mistaken
egoísmo, its greed, its judgments and their pride. And then
one subjects to the fulfillment of having moral, trying to acquire
intellectual humility. Thus the kingdom of the Grace is opened
before him. Little by little it is taken place in him an inner
pacification, a harmony of nervous and moral activities, a greater
resignation before the poverty, the calumny and the shortages, and
greater capacity to support, without on the point of passing out, the
loss of his, the pain, the disease. and the "death". By
such reason, the doctor who sees say his patient must rejoice for that
reason, because the originating calm of the oration is a powerful aid
for the therapeutic one."
"Nevertheless, we do not have to consider to the oration like
resemblance to morphine, since the plegaria originates at the same
time that the calm, an integration of the mental activities and a
species of flowering of the personality. Sometimes even it
produces the heroísmo and it marks its faithfuls with a particular
seal. The purity of the glance, the tranquillity of the
bearing, the calm joy of the expression, the virilidad of the conduct
and, if outside necessary, the simple acceptance of the "death" - of
the soldier or the martyr they translate the presence of the treasure
that is hidden in the intimate thing of the organs and the spirit."
"the oration, according to seems, elevates to the men over the
mental stature that corresponds in agreement with its inheritance and
its education to them. This "contact" with God impregnates them
of peace, and La Paz radiates of them, and take La Paz to all parts
where they go."
"curativos Effects: Those are the
curativos effects of the oration that - in all the times they have
waked up mainly the attention of the men. Still today, in the
means in which it is said is current to hear speak of the obtained
cures thanks to pleas directed to God and the saints, although, when
one is ailments susceptible to cure themselves spontaneously or with
the help of vulgar medicines, it is difficult to know which was the
true agent of the cure. Only in the cases in that the
therapeutic one is inapplicable or in which the same one does not
produce effect, the results of the oration can be verified in safe
form. The medical distribution of Lourdes has served great to
science, having demonstrated the reality of those cures "
"the oration has, sometimes, an effect that we could
call explosive. There are patients who have been cured almost
instantaneously of affections such as face lupus, renales cancer,
infections, pulmonary tuberculosis, bony tuberculosis, peritoneal
tuberculosis, etc. The phenomenon takes place almost always in
the same way: a great pain and, immediately, the perception to
be cured. In some seconds or, when much, in some hours, the
symptoms disappear and the organic injuries heal "
"E1" miracle "is characterized by a strange
acceleration of the normal processes of cures, and such acceleration
never was observed, until the present, in the course of experiences
done by surgeons and physiologists. So that these phenomena
produce not it is necessary that patient prays, because in Lourdes
creatures have been cured who not yet spoke and, also, incredulous
people. Somebody, meanwhile, prayed near them. The
oration done by another one is always fecund than the done one by the
own person interested in receiving the benefits. Of the
intensity and quality of the plegaria it seems to depend his effect."
"Such are the results of the oration of which I have certain
knowledge. What we already know in safe form is that the
oration produces concrete effects. By very strange that this
can seem, we must consider like real which that requests receives and
that always "opens the door" to that "strikes"."
When the word is without being able, our example without authority, our tenderness without penetration, we can still beam in please the souls the mysterious conspiracy of the prayer and obtain what our persistence could not obtain. MONSIGNOR GIBIER |
He is preferable to say with the heart without finding words, that to find the words without the adhesion of the heart. MAHATMA GANDHI |
Nonsingle we received forces or vibrations
praying, but that also we attract forces or vibrations with ours to
drive, with our feelings and our thoughts.
In our world, by lack of the true necessary spiritual
knowledge, we constantly attract negative forces by means of the
thoughts and desires of badly, hatreds, resentments, jealousy, you
envy, egoísmos, deceits, doubts, fears, ambitions and those negative
forces or vibrations physically press and penetrate in our being,
harming to us spiritual and, getting sometimes to conform diseases,
that are not easy to remedy by average physicists solely nor either by
spiritual means only, because the matter can or be so harmed that it
needs medical aid for his reestablishment; but if the attention
and the improvement are only physical and the spiritual part is not
remedied, that is the cause, the matter will return to become ill.
It is necessary to consider that if our flaquea faith and we
give entrance to the negative vibration of the doubt, is not possible
to us to attract the positive forces and, therefore, never we will get
to feel its effects in us nor to verify them in those for which we
It is necessary that when initiating to us in a true spiritual
way we know that the negative forces will try while it is possible to
them, to prevent our approach to the people and places where we pruned
to receive the positive forces that help us in the order;
consequently they put, at first, physical disadvantages and
spiritual, getting to conform in our own mind doubt thoughts and by
ricochet, that if we are not warned we could accept like ours, to move
away to us of the wonderful Way of the Truth.
When it assaults to us a negative thought we must analyze if
really he is ours, that is to say, if we are able to think of that
way: opposite case we must reject it, because it is not more
than negative vibrations than try to infiltrate.
From the spiritual scope we called Spiritual
Plane to the aspect that includes a determined range of different
evolutionary points, from most inferior to the most developed within
that range.
We say that there is an ascending or descendent scale,
according to of where we start off.
Ascending scale means that the greater contained evolutionary
point in a spiritual plane is immediate inferior to the initial
evolutionary point of the following plane and thus until arriving at
divine planes. It is to say that the maximum point of a plane
is inferior to the minimum point of the following plane and so on.
The Divine Planes as well include all the evolutionary points
corresponding to the stage of "divinización". Let us remember
that the spirits who arrive at divine planes initiate the
divinización stage that is the last stage.
The invisible Physical Planes include, each one of them, a
range of vibrations, densest to subtlest, but of the same vibratory
tonic, the same vibratory quality.
The Mental Plane includes a range of mental vibrations.
TheEmocional-Sensorial Plane includes a range of emotional and
sensorial vibrations.
The Plane of the Will includes a range of vibrations of will.
These vibrations, mental, emotional-sensorial and of will have
different quality and different vibratory frequency, for that reason
each one of them conforms a different plane.
In addition it separates the degree of subtility of each one,
that determines an action hierarchy as well, because since we have
studied, to greater greater subtility to be able of action, greater
In order to clarify more east subject we will say that subtlest
of the emotional-sensorial vibrations it is below the denser mental
vibration; subtlest of the mental vibrations it is below the
vibration of denser will.
As result we see clearly that the vibration of will has
hierarchy on the mental one. The mental vibration as well has
hierarchy on the emotional-sensorial one.
Despite these hierarchies they are diminished and until
trastrocadas in the human inasmuch as when putting into action our
free will we give greater superiority to one on another one, greater
superiority to the emotional thing, letting to us drag by the aspects
of the so negative pride in us, that we have treated so exhaustive in
you are pages.
From mentioned the flat invisible physicists it takes the
spirit the vibrations necessary to conform its invisible physical
bodies; the mental human, emotional-sensorial or the human soul
and the one of the human will. These planes include all the
range of vibrations that need the encarnantes spirits or spiritual
projection, according to their evolutionary point, whichever it is
that it has.
Of course that range has a maximum and a minimum, for that
reason when it must incarnate a divinizado being, it adapts his
vibration diminishing it according to which the incarnation plane
allows him, it is to say that the projection is the sufficiently small
thing so that their vibratory power is contained by the plane.
If the matter wanted to incarnate its power yet to take would
be destroyed, it would not support the vibratory frequency of that
This is easy to understand through the observation of our
means: if we applied a greater energy than supported by any
element that it destroys.
For example: if an apparatus is designed for an
electrical current of 110V. and we applied 220 to him V, is
based. If a globe supports an internal pressure of 3
atmospheres and we applied 6 atmospheres to him explodes.
For that reason it is that of those divinizados beings a
smallest projection of its spirit incarnates, of its essence,
according to which always supports the incarnation plane.
All the mentioned planes are universal, is to say that they are
present in all the universe.
The physical plane to which our planet belongs includes in all
the universe, worlds, galaxies and systems that are within the
vibratory limits of the same one, still much more of which we can
there perceive by our average technological physicists and.
In this same plane there are other planets o'clock evolutionary
inferior to ours, evolutionary superior, o'clock subtler, and in equal
evolutionary point, where also experiences are made.
If we evolved and we progressed without transgressing the law,
is to say that we acted according to the true conscience, according to
the spiritual value like seed born of God, we make experiences in
other worlds, in our same evolutionary point, without painful
experiences but with the same necessities. The overcoming
necessities are same or similar the each being in all the universe,
but we have our free will to generate or nonexperiences painful.
Of being thus we would not incarnate in this world then when
not having debts in this site would not be necessary, with which
single we would incarnate with purpose of spiritual aid, with a
determined spiritual task.
Each one of us must return to transform the vibrations of its
own errors into the place of the universe in which they are assignment
or in totally similar places if the original place no longer were
available. When we say that he is not available, we must think
that that place can have evolved, by law, and be outside the reach of
our evolutionary point therefore we will use another place of
characteristic similars then all the facts are always equivalent;
that is divine justice.
Although the experiences can be very different by the average
physicists who present/display, do not let be, by divine justice,
equivalent to ours.
By experience law all the divine seeds must make same
elliptical with their stages of densificación and sutilización,
anyone is the part of the universe in where it corresponds to him to
act, until arriving at the "divinización".
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