Spiritual Dawn




Free Will


Spiritual and Human Faith


It says the dictionary: "Power of the man who moves to make or not to make a thing".
The will is a vibration of our spirit which we can define as spiritual faculty, inherent to our divine quality.
The will is vibration with which "we are born" to the spiritual life and evolves in us as we are evolving, belongs to our eternal aspect and therefore it has our spirit when it incarnates like human.
It is vibration that belongs to our spiritual mind and is developed as we evolved like "divine seed", until together conducting battle with the faculty of free will that arises when we acquired conscience of good and badly, is to say we were transformed into "total conscience".
This vibration is pronounced through its own body, the body of the will, constituted by invisible physical vibrations, as well as the mind is pronounced through the mental body.
Through that invisible physical body, the plus sutíl, the spirit can express their spiritual will when it is incarnated; nevertheless as that physical body is subject to the intense vibratory influence of our plane, it can be influenced by the dense and negative vibrations of this world; for that reason the human will is so many times will of badly instead of being good will.
When "being born" the "single divine seed" it is mind, is to say divine mental substance; all the other aspects are them acquiring in their elliptical evolutionary one and it allows to be developing the vibrations him that are to him inherent, such as conscience, free will, discernment and will.
The human will is the reflection in the physical plane of that spiritual vibration and like so, it has hierarchy on the human mind and the soul, being vibration more sutíl.
If we managed to fortify our will, we will never be enslaved by the mental and emotional-sensorial vibrations, nor physically, because when having or a vibratory hierarchy, single we must develop it.

There is a driving force more powerful than the steam, the electricity and the atomic energy: the will.

For that reason it is very necessary to exercise constantly the action of the will, beginning by the aspects that us could seem pueriles, but that they are not it, because but we can with those aspects less still we will be able to face much more important circumstances.
We must begin to exercise to us in some of those smaller aspects, for example: If we were used to letting to us influence by some vice of little importance we begin to work on him, trying to avoid it by a short lapse of time. We must oppose our will to all the stimuli that arrive to us.
If we obtained it we must be extending that lapse until managing to surpass it in permanent form.
Thus we will be preparing to us, in our will, to surpass all the human barriers that appear to us.
When doing it on something small it seems to us without importance, but it gives the opportunity us to fortify our will, without harming nobody. This exercise helps to fortify our will to the physical reclamations that as much influence in us, to the so detrimental vices, to the excesses of all type.
The matter does not have to enslave in form some to us, on the contrary, it must be servant and instrument of our spirit.
When the reclamations of our human life separate to us from the way of the perfection, of our necessary sutilización, our necessary spiritual elevation, we must react and put in front our will firmly.

The Spanish Red Enrique makes an enriching and deep analysis on the subject that we approached: the will, conceived like the force that makes possible the transformations in the life of the human being.
The will is an aspiration that demands a series of small tests and efforts, until once educated, it holds fast and it produces his fruits.
In order to educate it, in the first place it is necessary to flee right away from the cult, to the facilismo, to the immediacy, aspects these characteristic ones of a present world that awards them and it favors them.
We must resign to the satisfaction that produces the urgent thing to us. The immediate thing can be surpassed and be exceeded when other plans exist to which we have adhered and that has been including within our project of life, which is not improvised, on the contrary, is designed.
The will is determination, firmness in the intentions, solidity in the objectives and spirit before the difficulties.
All the great one of the man is son of the self-denial; for example, the entereza to return to begin, costs sometimes what costs, depriving itself of good things, but that then they demand a cut later to go towards objectives of greater importance.
Who it has educated the will is freer and can take its life where it wants (it continues)
The man of our days, convulsionado and somewhat lost, rambles from a site to another one, often without referring clear. When the will has been formed on the base of continuous exercises, it is arranged to overcome themselves, to yield, to control themselves, to look for the improvement.
The education of the will must be built on the joy, that will lead to us little by little to being better. But it is not necessary to confuse the changes that we pruned to produce, with making great you develop, incredible things, nor extraordinary resignations.
The man with little will is threatened because slowly he becomes more fragile and any misfortune, by small that is, makes turn aside itself of the layout.
Of there the importance of educating the will to be creators of the change and nonvictims of fits, lacks of appetite and indifference.
In order to educate it it is an important to start off of strong and clear motivation and an order. The ordered life produces tranquillity and calmness. For that reason, when somebody is been used to postponing the anticipated tasks, account does not occur of which by that way it will end up debilitating his will and that every time will be seen more incapable to control at the difficult moments and of fatigue.
The certainty constitutes another one of the pillars of the will. In the human life, the binomial order-certainty is inseparable and lives in the man with will, which is governed by an ample perspective capacity, to see the distant spot, but without easily varying the proposed objectives. The joy is another aspect that favors the construction of the will.
It can be a legitimate feeling when it has been managed to reach an anticipated goal, in any aspect of the life. This joy operates like new stimulus for the acquisition of new profits, new emprendimientos.
The joy slowly is transformed into happiness when the being verifies how he can mold his personality erroneous to obtain small changes that gratifiquen it and they lead it to the personal autorrealización. There is the happiness that offers the conscience to be in the correct way, to do what we understand that is what it is due to do in spite of the difficulties, of certain opinions, the misfortunes and limitations of the modern life. Let us learn then to fortify our will and with her, to unite our thoughts to everything what is superior, to the universal harmony.

"the energetic and disciplined will is all-powerful. Each person must conquer itself before to itself, that is to say, to educate her will in order to be able to win in the combats of the life. And the these combats, most frequent and of greater importance, are those that we must individually free for the conservation and the reestablishment of our integral health: of the body and the spirit ".

We do not forget that our experience in planes of form, physical planes, begins from densest to subtlest, therefore prime the first physical vibration, soon the emotional vibration, later the mental vibration and finally the vibration of the will, the plus sutíl of the vibrations.
In the present humanity it is evident that the predominance has the emotional vibration, although still finds in her some beings who are in the "point" of predominance of the physical sensation, and other that they are the minuses, in the predominance of its mental aspect.
The following step of the humanity must be the predominance of the mind and soon to arrive through the experiences at the predominance of the will.
But the beings who we followed a way spiritual, like ours, we must exercise our will to help with that vibration the humanity to take the next step.
In the kingdom animal as well as in the beginning of the human, the sensorial aspect is most necessary for the survival and conservation of the species, but as we are evolving and progressing spiritually, also they are evolving and progressing our invisible physical bodies, and thus the emotional aspect of our soul is prevailing over the mind and the will.
As we progressed evolutionarily the mental aspect is prevailing over the soul until finally, and always according to the process of evolution and progress, it is the will the one that exerts hierarchic influence on the mind and the soul. We do not forget that the will is subtler than the mind, and this one is subtler as well than the soul, therefore thus it must be the prevalence.
The animal has a pseudo will, a pseudo conscience of the good and badly, especially if it is an animal that is in contact with the enemy with the human beings, because its mental aspect is influenced by the human minds that very specially surround it and by the mind by their master, but logically the animal has as first impulse always, the instinct of its own conservation, the instinct of conservation of the species and everything what it has acquired in his elliptical densificadora crossed until that moment.
As well as the will does not play an important role in the animal, can either carry out it in "new born" to the point of "total conscience", is to say in a primitive man, because this it will try, in first term, its subsistence and the procreation, nevertheless, already has a certain knowledge of which it must do and of which it does not have to do.
As we evolved and we progressed our aspect of conscience and will is acquiring the force sufficient to be able to begin to surpass the tests that the plane presents/displays to us. Then we began to discern between or and badly and the our human soul has or something of capacity to love, and begins to replace desire or the sensation by the love. Everything is progressive; as it is taken place that evolution in the use of the invisible physical bodies, the will is taking increase, and we began to discern.
Summarizing, it appears in us the first instinct, that gives the force us to survive; later it appears the sensation that allows us to begin "to feel" what it happens to us; soon the aspect subtler arises than it is our incipiente human soul and it appears the affection, the love to the people, the animals, the plants, to the things, it is developed until it begins to more strongly act the mental aspect, that it induces to us to make the things with a certain logic, superposing us to our sensations or to which our affective capacity protests.
All this process is governed by our spiritual will, but like still its manifestation he is weak, it can be that it suggests to us to make a decision, but as our emotional-sensorial aspect is very strong, we fall in which more we like or in which we accustomed.
For that reason the experiences take thousands of years, until we develop the body of the will so that it prevails over the other aspects.
When we obtain that it prevails constantly our will we will have obtained the greater evolutionary point of total conscience.
In summary: the invisible physical body of the will is subtlest, soon the mental body and later the emotional-sensorial body or soul. In each one the substance that conforms them is of different quality. As well as the vibration of the mental body and the one of the emotional-sensorial body or soul, respond to the vibrations of the spiritual mind and the spiritual soul, the body of the will responds to the spiritual will vibratorily.

Free Will

The free will is an inherent faculty to our spiritual aspect that when being reflected in our human aspect instills a permanent anxiety to us of freedom. For that reason we are able of not stopping before no obstacle nor sacrifice to us to live in freedom.
We can see in our history the great fights against the slavery, many of them impelled by beings very evolved, in some cases divinizados beings, like Moisés and Jesus.
In this last case, it seeded the vibration of love that obtained that many men began a new era and recognized the enormous injustice that is the slavery and gave freedom to their slaves. Thus little by little the slavery was abolished and repudiada by most of the towns.
But still it persists in us a deep egoísmo and an extreme pride that cause that the slavery still persists, but more sophisticated. For example, there are countries that exert the slavery through the political dictatorships, through the economy allowing the indebtedness of the countries but it finds of his possibilities, through dogmas or religious beliefs turning his believers fanatics able to give his lives.
We are free in mind, soul and body, therefore we must decide freely on our human thoughts, feelings and acts. It is so the divine freedom that we have of course that we can exert it in positive or negative form, that with the concerning answer of the law, approaching to us a benefit if we built according to the law of the love or a painful experience if we make the opposite.
In the spiritual aspect, being in the space, we used our free will to decide in that average humans we will make the kármicas experiences and of spiritual task, necessary for our evolution and progress.
We must as much know that before incarnating we have chosen all the experiences of our human life, the happy ones then as the painful ones, although later as human we do not remember it.
The committed errors are always applying our human will that allows to discern us badly between the good and, is to say that we were mistaken consciously, therefore we do not have excuses.
Through elliptical evolutionary that includes the stages of densificación, sutilización and divinización we are developing the divine faculties of love, faith, discernment and will.
The free will is not developed but that "awakes" when we have acquired the spiritual conscience (of good and badly); the discernment is extended and the will is fortified in accordance with our evolution and progress.
This allows to apply our own criterion, always according to which our conscience dictates to us. Therefore, like humans, we have the free will to build so much in good as in badly, but single we will be able to build badly to where the laws allow it, to where it corresponds to him to receive to those who we tried to harm, because by law "Never something arrives to him at a being that does not correspond to him".
Despite although our desire of badly it does not arrive at the being at who it is directed, we even so contract a debt with the law of the love, that is to say, which we will have consequently to transform that negative vibration into positive receiving a pain equivalent to badly wished.

"Who comes unjustly more it is displeased than the victim of its injustice."

As well as we must defend our freedom of action based on our free will, also we must defend our freedom of thought, of feeling, without allowing that ideas or concepts prevail to us that force separations, antagonisms, hatreds and all other vibration to us in discord with the law of the love.

In the age in which the human being, begins to have reason use, appears and takes form his conscience; at the same time, that is developed physically, they appear the aptitudes, the faculties and the tendencies.
The activity of the intellectual functions and, their action on the conduct acts, ready it to devise, to feel and to coming by necessity; that behavior, that to feel and that to devise of all human being, made by necessity and in certain determined form, are what FREE WILL is called.
The free will, can be interpreted like the freedom of the human being, to decide its actions, doing use of a deliberate reasoning, reflection that has to him to indicate what it agrees more, dominating to the impulses or the automatism.
The free will, can be considered like intrinsic property of the human being; we could suppose, that it is a Don Natural; and to make use of this Don or Property, it must resort to certain elements or sources, of where their decisions will be born, of a side: the judgment, the conscience, the reflection and the reason; of the other: the automatism and the instinct.
In order to give to clarity to the game of these elements or sources, necessary to make decisions, and that are factors that influence in the conduct and personality of the human being, we see the following example:
A brother, today, from early feels arranged and animated, to attend the works of logía; but he is that in his work, the street and its home; he listens with certain frequency, commentaries on a sport encounter, that at night will have to televise itself; this, makes that the brother feels impelled, remain in small house to be present at the event.
But this impulse of automatism, is with the opposition of its own conscience, that remembers to him, that only by means of an assiduous attendance and a maintained dedication, manages to improve in the intellectual and the moral.
It is then when the "inner dialogue" takes place, in which the result will depend on his free will. If it does not attend, dominated to his impulses and the automatism. If it attends, it is that it made use of his reasoning and its conscience; it judged and it reflected to decide.
The brother at issue, if he does not attend, will also apologize, saying: That was stronger than my will! or it will say: I could not avoid it!
Of this so simple example, it is possible to be deduced that the Free Will, allows the human being, also to be chosen with freedom the aims, the means and forms of its activity. It gives freedom to apply decisions him and to act with knowledge of cause, conscious of the responsibility of its own acts - it continues
Now let us see a formal and scientific definition of Free Will and some commentaries much very simple on the matter.
IT FREES ALBEDRIO. - Capacity to apply decisions and to act with knowledge of cause, that forms in the course of the knowledge of the Laws of the real world, in the dominion process of these laws.
On the other hand, thinkers like Schopenhauer and Nietzche, defend the idea of an absolute will; for them, it is the primary source of the decisions of the will, of the freedom; they take the freedom like essence, something primary with relation to the being and the existence. They deny that the will is predetermined by conditions or external causes. According to them, "the man acts independently, by voluntary decision and not by the action of external causes, nor by the greater weight of reasons on others". They affirm that "nothing can force to the will to choose this, instead of that. The will is indeed the one that chooses ". (voluntarism).
In very personal opinion, the Free Will does not have its origin only in inner and ideal reasons; I consider that the decisions of the will that take to the human acts, are subject also, to a condition or external cause. Cause that puts into play the reasoning, the conscience and the valuation of the action. I consider that the Free Will, is had tie to all the structure of the individual, to its reason, its sensations, their experiences and their moral and ideological values; being necessary all it, to make the decisions
In conclusion, the free will, is not another thing that the autonomy and the self-determination of the human being.

We must still remember that the law uses everything in positive, the negative vibrations that we generated badly by means of the use of our free will.
With these vibrations the law causes that those beings who need it pass their experiences and can redeem their errors surpassing the influence of the same ones or the cause that produce and are not turned aside towards badly. This allows that the beings whom they have contracted debts with the law can settle them and obtain their evolution and progress.
Reviewing we will say that the free will is the faculty that allows us to choose between or and badly which it is certain in our spiritual conscience (of or and of badly) which we also formed through all our experiences in the densificadora stage and in the sutilizadora and that is reflected in our human conscience.

The conscience is the voice of the soul; the passions are the voice of the body.

Nobody can say that building consciously in negative it does not feel the reclamation of his human conscience. When we built negatively we felt bad, nervous and most of the times a knot in the mouth of the stomach forms to us.
Let us remember whenever nothing escapes to the law, that everything is within the law.

The question of the free will can be transformed thus:
The man inevitably is not lead to badly. The acts that make are written beforehand. The crimes that commit do not constitute the result of a decree of the destiny. It can, with the character of test or the one of expiación, to choose an existence in which will be dragged towards the crime, either by the same atmosphere in which one is, or by the circumstances that happen: but always he is free to do or not to do.
Therefore, the free will exists in the state of spirit in the election of the existence and the tests, and in the corporal state in the faculty to yield or to resist to the requestings that we have voluntarily been put under. It is possible to the education to fight those bad tendencies. And it will do it with benefit when that education is based on the deep study of the moral nature of the man.
By means of the knowledge of the laws that prevail to that moral nature will be gotten to modify it, of the way that modifies intelligence by means of the instruction and the physical be in favor of the hygiene.
The spirit come off the matter, in nomadic state, chooses his future corpóreas lives according to the degree of perfection at that he has arrived, and of this mainly consists, according to we said, its free will. That freedom is not annulled by the incarnation. If it yields to the influence of the matter it is because it becomes weak under the same tests that it has chosen, and so that they help it to surpass them it can invoke the attendance of God and the good spirits.
Without the free will the man is guilty in badly neither the merit in or. And this so is recognized, that in the human society it is reprobated or the intention is always praised, that is to say, the will. However, who says will is saying freedom, therefore, the man cannot look for an excuse for his bad actions attributing them his organism, without abdicating of his reason and its condition for being human, to compare itself with the animal.
If he is thus for badly, the same he will be for or, but when the man practices or he is great careful in which the merit is recognized to him he himself and not its organs, which test that very instinctively does not resign despite which they think some blinded, to the most beautiful privilege of its species: The Freedom To think.


It says the Dictionary: "Action to discern" - "Faculty to discern with the thought, specially the good of badly".
The discernment has two aspects, spiritual and the human.
The human discernment is the expression of the spiritual discernment.
From the human point of view we do not have to act emotionally, by impulse, but that we must apply the discernment by means of the deep analysis of our thoughts, feelings, actions and of our word.
This analysis must be done applying the acquired knowledge, reasoning armonizadamente to act always positively with all the force of our spirit.
We must manage the light in our mind and the love in our heart to apply it in all our actions and to project on our brothers light and love. Nothing we can give that it is not in our interior.
Let us analyze the circumstances that arrives to us, because often to avoid a discussion or to avoid to enter some controversy asentimos the words that we know do not correspond and of that way we reinforced the mistaken concept of our resemblance.
I am preferable to say "I cannot to touch that subject", either "Because we did not leave it for another moment", or "Disculpame but would like to be able to analyze it a little", but to never accept what according to our discernment this mistaking.
The spiritual discernment is that that we applied, being in the space, in one first stage, to form our conscience of good and badly. Once obtained the conscience the discernment is used to be incorporating the new experiences.
In addition it is used to decide in the space the characteristics of our incarnations being defined the experiences and overcomings to make in each one of them.

Spiritual and Human Faith

When our spirit is in the space, when being frees of all the human and physical limitations, he perceives by sensation the truth with capital letter, the spiritual truth; it takes pure contact, without interferences, with all the spiritual vibrations, in such a way that that is translated in its spiritual faith, faith of which everything what feels and knows is absolute truth.
That faith is evolving we along with, is to say that as we obtained greater greater evolutionary point it is the faith because he is greater sensitivity and the wisdom, is greater the contact with the divine thing.
That spiritual faith is pronounced in the human in a faith limited by the physical aspects.
He is something inner that cannot be explained, that generally is associated the monk, nevertheless soon after analyzing we see it that the faith is innate in us, that is present in all the acts of our life.
When we initiated a study we have faith that will be to us useful in our labor life, when we initiated a business we have faith in which us affluent wrath economically, when we married we put the faith in our pair and the future.
As we see all human act has its quota of faith, although sometimes we do not perceive it.
Often it happens that some events of our human life give the sensation us of which everything collapses, that vanishes that for which we have worked without rest, nevertheless, is there when our faith appears again and it gives the force us necessary not to demoralize to us and to insist on the effort. In that form the faith causes that our disadvantages and failures become valuable experience to save the obstacles and to achieve the success.
The faith is, then, a powerful force of our soul and even though we say "we do not have faith in anything", which "we do not create in", that is not exact then really although it is we have faith in we ourself.
If the human faith did not exist, reflected of our spiritual faith, we would not have the technical and technological advances whereupon we counted, because our men of science, our inventors, would not put that faith to obtain the results of their investigations in which they put its hopes.
It is its faith the one that impels them to continue making an effort.

With faith a wall is a spiderweb, without faith a spiderweb is a wall.

The faith approaches to us God, the faith allows us to accept, by sensation really that for which there is no a human explanation, but that really we felt that it is thus.
Without faith we would not accept the existence of a spiritual way, whichever it is the one that we choose, because that spiritual reality cannot fehacientemente be verified from the human point of view, although we must admit that science is more and more near arriving at that insoslayable truth that is all the creation.

The man without the faith cannot know the true Good, nor Justice. Single it is his true Good.
They do not exist more than three classes of people: which they serve God, having to him found other that they make an effort in looking for it, being it not found other that they live without looking for to him, without to have found to him.
First they are reasonable and happy, the last ones crazy and are displeased. Those of means they are displeased and reasonable

Despite the faith it must be reasoned, must be analyzed our knowledge yet, we must get to feel that "that is our way".
A faith without reason can cause that we fall in the fanaticism, which we accept without thinking, ideologies, beliefs, dogmas, that soon instead of benefitting us they harm to us, because when single accepting them by fanaticism it makes us build negatively.
That reasoned faith must be still applied in the concepts spilled in these pages, must feel it like truth, must be convinced that this it is our way.
When accepting an education like those of these pages, pure logic and in the moral concept, we put the faith in our discernment, but those that reject a spiritual way, anyone is, they are based on its own faith to include/understand and to discern.
In both cases the faith exists, as much in the acceptance as in the rejection, because she is implicit in all ours to drive.
We must clarify that each one of us has its own way and that means that all we will not follow these lessons, because we must feel them, to have some vibratory affinity with the same ones, that all the spilled concepts are agreed with our logic.
The faith looks for support in our reasoning that is which who we felt an aspect of the truth, our mind reasons that truth that feels and it accepts it to find it totally logical; to that reasoned faith is denominated to him.
It means that it is a set; faith cannot be had but it is reasoned, and if it is reasoned only and not it does not feel either is faith.

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  - The Kirlian Effect
  - The universalism of the Religions
  - Update of concepts in the Catholic Church
  - Science Position about the Tora II
Chapter 1
  - Scientific studies on vibrations
  - Physical Centers and Spiritual Centers
  - Chakras or Plexus
  - Kirlian Camera
Chapter 2
  - Human aspects and Spiritual Aspects
  - Classification of the vibrations
  - Encarnation and death
  - Evolution and Progress
  - Primitive man and Scientific Man
  - Law of Action and Reaction
  - Law of Evolution
Chapter 3
  - Evolution Elliptics
  - Kingdoms of Nature
  - Geological Ages
  - Evolutionary Process
Chapter 4
  - Reincarnation
Chapter 5
  - Selfish Love
  - Tolerance
  - Anger
  - Fanaticism
Chapter 6
  - Jealousy
  - Hatred
  - Pain
  - Critisism
  - Fraternity
Chapter 7
  - Will
  - Free Will
  - Discernmet
  - Spiritual and Human Faith
Chapter 8
  - Spiritual and Human Power
  - Good and Evil
  - Conclusions
Chapter 9
  - Spiritual and Human Trayectory
  - Spiritual Tasks in our world
  - Human Form
  - Elliptical Evolution Process
Chapter 10
  - Prayer
  - Spiritual and Physical Planes
Chapter 11
  - Incarnation
  - Transmigration
  - Cremation
  - Suicide
Chapter 12
  - Astral Plane
Prologue Second Part Chapter 13
  - Evolutionary elliptical
  - Plans Divine, Spiritual, and Physical
Chapter 14
  - Reincarnations
  - Spiritual Development
Chapter 15
  - Soul Mates
  - Human Form
Chapter 16
  - Conjunctions
  - Cores
  - Christic Cores
Chapter 17
  - Vibratory Spotlights
Chapter 18
  - Evolving life and not evolving
  - Vibration Elements
Chapter 19
  - Types of Life - Mental - Astral - Physics

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