Spiritual Dawn








We continued developing all the referred one to our human weaknesses.


It is the total lack of valuation and self-esteem, is to transform the comprehensive, tolerant, protective love, in possessive love, evident reflection of our pride.
When we loved a person, we think that it belongs to us and we demanded that single it takes care of us us. Let us create to have right on her, when in fact we have obligation to protect it, to help it, to guide it, to love it healthily, of not transforming that love into something possessive, in egoísmo.

What the pain the jealousy makes so acute is that the vanity cannot help to support it.

And nonsingle we spoke in the pair love, also this negative vibration in the parents is pronounced towards its children of those who create to be owners, of the brothers older than they arrogan ancestry on its smaller brothers, between friends than also we have them and we do not want to share.
Nobody grants that right to us that is that we created, because as we know to each being és by itself, he is individual, he is unique, with his own elliptical evolutionary and his own experiences.
We must not even notice that God, creative being, arroga the right on its creatures, gives the free will, inherent faculty us to the spirit who allows us to choose by itself in any situation that we are, gives the will us that we applied it in all the acts of our life, spiritual as as much human; single we must respond to the spiritual laws that mark to the order and justice and that by on all the things is the love put into action.

The love represents the Superior and unique Law of the life... And that each one knows it and it feels it in the deep thing of his heart.

Nonsingle we felt jealousy by that we loved, but that we put ourselves jealous of the social profits, economic or political of our resemblances.
The love is true when he is disinterested, when it occurs without waiting for nor demanding reciprocity, without considering themselves with acquired rights, requesting absolutely nothing in payment, is love of husband, love of brother, love of son, love of friend, love of mother.
This it is the love concept which we must practice and transmit to the others, and we must transmit it with our actions, not with words, because the action strikes in the soul of that observes it. We must radiate that vibration of disinterested love that will be assimilated by the souls that surround to us, that takes contact with us.
Single we will be able to do it with words when we are safe of it to have obtained in us, because the word must go supported in the respective vibration. If thus not outside our words will sound in vain, because they will not have necessary the vibratory support.
The concept of the true love, disinterested love, love that redeems, love that it protects, love that includes/understands, love that it tolerates, will make change the human life of relation that as much damage at the moment brings with its constant struggles, treating to impose us to the others with our own ideas and thoughts.
We must change the concepts in our own life, in our own family, to live in this new concept of the love and to spread that new concept between all the men.
If we managed to spread it in the atmosphere that surrounds to us, we will have taken a very important step in benefit of the humanity, because if each one of us acts of that way with its own surroundings, everything will be changing.
When we spoke to help the humanity, he is not something utópico, he is real, because our vibration expands and can be received of that is in favor in vibratory connection with that concept, that can as well radiate it towards another endless number of people, this way we do not have the smaller thousand and thousand idea of beings who can be benefitted, constituting each one of them in a small foquito that illuminates to the others.
It is evident that this one is a spiritual task of love towards our brothers, that benefits in our evolution and progress to us.


It says the dictionary: "antipathy and aversion towards some person or thing whose badly it is desired".
It is the opposite vibration to the love. It is the transformed love to negative. The love is the origin of our greater well-being, hatred is the origin of our evils. We can remember a very important spiritual concept here: all vibration that unites is positive, all vibration that separates is negative.
The family, the towns, the countries, the whole humanity can find in the love La Paz, the progress, the harmony, the happiness; however in single hatred she finds the destruction, the separation, the wars and infinity of the evils that single bring delay in their evolution and progress to him.
If we only felt love towards the others we will be very happy since our thoughts, feelings and done they return to us, but also the negatives, therefore we must be taken care of as we thought, we felt and we built.
Let us remember; to only it arrives him at each being which corresponds by law, that is that hatred that we declared can arrive to him or not at the other being, however always it affects us, in our evolution and progress.
The law of the love is constant in all the creation, origin of the creation is the law and therefore it governs all our spiritual and human movements.
If we have racial prejudices towards a determined group, by law, will have to incarnate in him, so many times as it is necessary until we love that group in which we are immersed and that outside white of our aversiones.
Thus the law allows to redeem our evils, This is single an example.


It says the dictionary: "Sensation bothers and distressing of a part of the body caused by certain injuries or some pathological states// comparable distressing Feeling to the pain and that is suffered in the spirit"
The pain is consubstanciado with our human life in form so, that we think that must, inescapably, to be painful. To believe this means to ignore the love and the justice of God, because the human life is means that It provides us to be able to obtain the spiritual progress that we needed, and the pain are, however, product of the battle conducted in opposition to the law of the love.
The pain can be, moral or physicist, but in both cases it is a symptom, an attention call that we received in order to take care of our health, spiritual physics or. If we neglect that call, if we did not try to discover the cause of the pain that us aqueja, badly one worsens and the pain, necessarily intensifies, because the purpose of the pain is not to punish but to indicate badly, is this one a badly physical or badly spiritual one and to make us react to take care of badly that.
If we always lived in harmony with the Divine law, as much in the physical aspect as in the moral aspect, the human life it would not be as it is, harassed by all the range of the pain; but we have disregarded the voice of the conscience and we did not want to stop to discern on which we had and we did not have to do.
The law of the life gathers until the mini vibration of or and the pain that we caused or we wished to cause to others (law of cause and effect), and those vibrations return, sooner or later, to its point of origen, that is to say, to us.
We do not have to be rebelled before the painful tests, we must analyze the circumstances that surround to the same ones to the light of the spiritual concepts that we are receiving. We will include/understand therefore the cause and the purpose, and knowing them we will be in better conditions for eliminating that pain our life.
However if we rebelled ourselves the painful tests cannot fulfill their purpose and consequently they must be repeated and the more we rebelled ourselves with the more intensity we received the tests and it will not be punishment but love, because in spite of our revolt the law continues giving the opportunity to us to surpass.
The law gives the opportunities us that we needed, time and time again, in order to surpass the necessary tests for our evolution and progress.
Knowing that the pain is always effect of a cause that belongs to us, is not to us difficult, by means of the permanent analysis of same us, to get to know the cause our pains, physicists or morals, and to make an effort to us in remedying it, without never forgetting that the divine laws are exact and perfect and they do not award to us nor they punish to us; either and the pain that arrives at our life is or and a pain that, having at some moment emanated of us, you now return.
We must repeat that no pain arrives at our life that does not correspond, and arrives in the conditions for which we are prepared. No condition of pain can be superior to our forces so that that is the justice of the divine law. We do not forget that the laws always respond in agreement with our evolutionary point.
Nobody that wishes us badly can interfere in our lives if that badly it does not correspond to be lived. Nothing can do to us that we did not find deserved by ours to drive against the law of the love. We must have the absolute certainty that this is thus, because it is the manifestation of the divine love through its laws.
If law responds single with facts happy and separates from us pain, not is love, because the overcoming of the painful facts is the one that purifies to us, the one that allows us to advance perfectly in our way.
Often we happened through happy facts that they move away to us of the pain and it helps us to persist in our spiritual way.
We do not separate from our way, we try to surpass the pains that allow to alleviate our "ballast us" of negative vibrations.
This means that at the time of incarnating we have an obtained evolutionary point; if soon in this single incarnation we surrounded ourselves by negative vibrations by our bad actions or we rebelled ourselves and we separated from the spiritual way, to obtain the point again that we had had when beginning the incarnation, we will have first to clean all those negative vibrations to be able to be in that same point.
This means that we needed time, single much more to obtain the point previous to our deflection, and therefore a delay in our evolution and progress.
We must understand that the divine love never allows that a pain arrives at us that does not correspond.
We see, thus, that necessary it is to manage to live the spiritual concepts, that is to say, to manage the true Spiritual Conscience, that not only help us to know us we ourself, but also to avoid future painful experiences.
We do not separate before the pain the others. Let us think that if becoming aware spiritual hill often not to rebel itself before the pain, that is for our brothers who do not have it. Acerquemonos to them with the opened arms, with an affectionate word, a smile, with a warm gesture, we listen to its misfortune, we help with a positive thought, words of lightening. All we are spirits in evolution process and progress.
We know that the pain is the answer to our thoughts, our feelings and our negative facts, therefore must analyze very well our thoughts, our feelings so that they do not give rise to a negative fact that soon it is translated in pain for us.
The law always uses everything in positive, even the negative facts, in this case to allow another being to pass the necessary tests for its evolution and progress, but that does not prevent that it constitutes for us a debt with the law of the love.
If we did not separate from the way of the good, if we lived in agreement with the divine law, we never have to undergo wars, fears, diseases and misery, and the life of relation, organized with true sense fraterno, will not prevail to anybody of the necessary thing nor will allow wastefulness which others can need.
Not existing the egoísmo neither the ambition and living in true love fraterno, nobody will try to monopolize goods nor to become rich to expenses of the sacrifice or the misery of others; all necessity will receive immediate aid and the prosperity will be common to all and nonprivilege of some. Let us remember always that living in the love is received happiness; but living in the lack of affection and the egoísmo, inescapably pain is received.


It says the dictionary: "Action to censure the actions or the conduct of another one, or to make notice its defects"
We have listened "Who is free of fault that throws the first stone", this makes us reason that we must analyze and surpass our own errors before judging the errors of our brothers. And if we are exentos of fault, he is not more beneficial to help our brothers to that they also are it.
Also we called critic to the change of opinions, ideas, on determined beings or determined facts, with constructive purposes; that in fact is not critical, but aid to find the truth.
Of course that it has to really do whereupon vibration we make the critic.
We must observe if our vibration is of aid, understanding, tolerance, or is simply an excessive opinion, dyed of jealousy, of it envies or of other facets of our pride.
We must love us an a the others because of the understanding, brotherhood sense, it is born the true understanding and the force able to move away to the humanity of the way of the destruction by which it journeys, impelled by hatreds and ambitions, and their ignorance of true the spiritual concepts.

Now we will happen to describe the faculties that we must be developing in our elliptical evolutionary one.


What is the Fraternity? How we must consider it and how we must practice it?
As it defines the dictionary? "Union and good correspondence between brothers or between whom they treat like such".
Therefore it is vibration that unites, is tolerant, comprehensive, loving, that it loves all and everything, including/understanding that everything what exists has a same origin in the divine source of creation and in addition to being a faculty of our spirit we have a "birth" in common: we are brothers.
If we stop to think about which relation means that that unites us to everything what universe exists in, if we put ourselves in contact with the stars who surround to us we will feel a indescriptible sensation in our soul, that is the Fraternity.
Million and million souls are united to us by the bow fraterno, but it is necessary that also we feel like united to all those souls sisters.
If like incarnated soul, it is to say like human, we managed to include/understand that the Fraternity is life law, we recognize like sisters all the souls that are incarnated in the Earth, we will feel extremely happy expressing our love to all and trying that the others include/understand that truth and can feel happy.
If we did not feel love we cannot give love, if we did not feel peace we cannot radiate peace, if we are not harmonized we cannot radiate harmony, and thus with all the vibrations.
It does not concern what they feel the others, we we must feel the love, to be able to give it; nothing we can give that it is not in our interior. No vibration leaves us but it is in us.
Nevertheless, when we are incarnated we were put under the material influence of the world and, as when incarnating we did not remember our life in the space, frequently the material influence gets to dominate to us and it takes to us by ways of lack of affection and until of hatred.
Living without love our soul it cannot feel happy, and living with hatred we felt immensely unfortunate.
Who we lived in love we enjoyed all beautiful and the pleasant one to the maximum that offers the life, and when we must never suffer we were hopeless, because the love of other surrounds to us and it consoles to us and it allows us to include/understand the circumstances through which we happened.
Each vibration attracts by affinity the same vibration. Let us remember the affinity law.
Our vibration of love is united with the vibration of love of our brothers, however, if we lived without love we felt always single with our pains and nothing provides satisfaction nor true joy to us, it attracts in addition negative vibrations that reinforce our psychic state.
Separated in regard to differences of ideas, religions, races, from countries, we easily become a con others and we got to hate themselves and to feel enemy. But this does not do that in our interior it finds bitterness? We really felt happy vibrating in all these negative vibrations.
Sometimes we felt happy from the human point of view that is a deceptive happiness, because we only obtained what humanly we sought, but that is not our true necessity, but a fictitious necessity, always created by we ourself.
If we mistook the way and instead of living in Fraternity, that is true love, we lived in lack of affection and egoísmo, not only moves away us of our brothers, but who wake up in us ambitions that impel us to the lowest actions towards the others.
For that reason, we distrusted of all, we fear to be deceived or to be attacked.
Generally we suppose very erroneously that the love is a mere human feeling that we are not forced to feel, and that stops to be happy it is enough to us with obtaining everything what we sought. Consequently, to only our material well-being worries us, to be able, wealth, and when we got to obtain we verified them that nothing of that satisfies intimate desire with our soul.
Our soul needs to love and to be loved, because the soul must live in its law, and the Divine law is love. Therefore, only living in love, loving an a to us others we only can the men reach the happiness that is the loving union between all, that are the true Fraternity.
That different it would be the human life if our relation were really fraterna!
It would exist harmony, understanding, respect, mutual tolerance and permanent aid of the one towards the other, would disappear the deceit, envies and the egoísmo, we could trust and confraternizar with the men of any country, of any race or religion.
If each one thought about the necessities of our resemblances and not about we ourself, there would always be one who think about us and she worries about our necessities.
It is this impossible one to obtain? No; it is only necessary that each one tries to change in the intimate thing of his to feel and his to think, and quickly the change in all the humanity will take place. The great majority of the men ignores that only loving they will be able to feel happy; they ignore that the Fraternity is life law and, consequently, they must and they need to live in her.
Therefore, it is not only necessary but urgent that the knowledge of this truth reachs all, men, women and children, so that all know how they must and how they need to live.
Who we know this truth we must have to spread it to the maximum, so that all can free of hatreds and fears and begin a harmony and peace life, a happy life.

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  - English Site
  - Sitio en Español
  - English/Español
  - The Kirlian Effect
  - The universalism of the Religions
  - Update of concepts in the Catholic Church
  - Science Position about the Tora II
Chapter 1
  - Scientific studies on vibrations
  - Physical Centers and Spiritual Centers
  - Chakras or Plexus
  - Kirlian Camera
Chapter 2
  - Human aspects and Spiritual Aspects
  - Classification of the vibrations
  - Encarnation and death
  - Evolution and Progress
  - Primitive man and Scientific Man
  - Law of Action and Reaction
  - Law of Evolution
Chapter 3
  - Evolution Elliptics
  - Kingdoms of Nature
  - Geological Ages
  - Evolutionary Process
Chapter 4
  - Reincarnation
Chapter 5
  - Selfish Love
  - Tolerance
  - Anger
  - Fanaticism
Chapter 6
  - Jealousy
  - Hatred
  - Pain
  - Critisism
  - Fraternity
Chapter 7
  - Will
  - Free Will
  - Discernmet
  - Spiritual and Human Faith
Chapter 8
  - Spiritual and Human Power
  - Good and Evil
  - Conclusions
Chapter 9
  - Spiritual and Human Trayectory
  - Spiritual Tasks in our world
  - Human Form
  - Elliptical Evolution Process
Chapter 10
  - Prayer
  - Spiritual and Physical Planes
Chapter 11
  - Incarnation
  - Transmigration
  - Cremation
  - Suicide
Chapter 12
  - Astral Plane
Prologue Second Part Chapter 13
  - Evolutionary elliptical
  - Plans Divine, Spiritual, and Physical
Chapter 14
  - Reincarnations
  - Spiritual Development
Chapter 15
  - Soul Mates
  - Human Form
Chapter 16
  - Conjunctions
  - Cores
  - Christic Cores
Chapter 17
  - Vibratory Spotlights
Chapter 18
  - Evolving life and not evolving
  - Vibration Elements
Chapter 19
  - Types of Life - Mental - Astral - Physics

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