Spiritual Dawn



Spiritual and Human Trayectory

Spiritual Tasks in our world

Human Form

Elliptical Evolution Process

Spiritual and Human Trayectory

Spiritual Tasks in our world

The spiritual being "is born" of God, Supreme Mind, Nature, etc., like divine seed and must obtain his progress and evolution through the experiences that correspond to him to journey, so that with the same ones it manages to develop all the divine faculties whereupon "it is born" to the eternal life, will, discernment, power or force of action, brotherhood.
We are born single with an aspect of "spiritual mind" that is the spirit in itself, is worth to say that the spirit is pure mind, is single spiritual mind. We are born with an only vibration or unified vibration that is our mental aspect.
The spiritual soul is its organ of contact; it is the organ that allows the spiritual mind or spirit to take contact with the vibrations from each one of the planes in which it must make experience. The single spiritual soul contains the sensorial aspect, because the emotional aspect is own of the physical planes like ours.
They are adhered to the mind the sensations and vibrations of each plane thus forming, to his around, the spiritual soul.
The human soul in addition to the sensorial aspects has own emotional aspects of this plane. We must have well in clear that our essence is single spiritual mind and our spiritual soul that is the adhered vibrations, in a later process that soon we will develop, we will be eliminating it. At the end of our sutilizadora stage and having arrived already at the divinización we return to be pure mind.
We are children of the Divinity and have been made to "its image and similarity". We embryonically bring all the divine faculties given by the origin of our "birth" and must evolve and progress until arriving so at a development that we are agreed with its "image and similarity".

Somehow, the mystery of the incarnation is repeated in each woman: all boy who is born is a God that becomes man.

In first instance, as well as our physical plane includes a great scale of evolutionary points, exist flat spiritual that include a scale of evolutionary points of infinite amount as the life is infinite.
In all those spiritual planes the "divine seeds" and "grouped total consciences" according to a scale of evolutionary points dwell.
We must remember that those evolutionary points are given by the experiences assimilated in their aspects of mind and soul; by the evolution and obtained progress.
The set of spiritual planes includes a scale of evolutionary points that go from that it has a being when "being born" to our return to the divinity.
The trajectory of our spirit begins in the subtler spiritual plane and soon it advances spiritual plane by spiritual plane until arriving again at the divine plane, been denominated "divinización", moment at which already has developed all the divine faculties of its "birth".
In order to advance in his evolution and progress the being makes his experiences in subtle spiritual planes, without form, and is diversifying his vibration until arriving at the form planes, like ours, projecting to such from the spiritual plane where the spirit dwells.
That projection is of its own spirit, who sends it to the form plane and that is in connection with its essence. It contains a projection of his spiritual mind and its spiritual soul. The projection is because the energy of the spirit is greater to the containment possibilities that have the planes of experiences, therefore sends a projection whose power force is within you limit them of the plane.
That projection is sent in first instance to very subtle planes of form where still the forms like such do not exist, but the vibrations that will soon constitute the forms that we know in our world, soon to another plane something less subtle, it is to say denser, and so on of a dense plane to denser other, until arriving at the plane where the forms are pronounced. It descends until arriving at the plane of greater density, like ours, descendent scale, and soon it continues evolving but to subtler planes, until arriving at the divinización, that is to say, in ascending scale.
This means that elliptical the evolutionary one, is disturbed in two parts: the "densificadora" that are the mentioned one like descendent scale and the "sutilizadora" that is the mentioned one like ascending scale. "the densificadora" stage does not stop being evolutionary the being spiritual, because it is evolving and progressing, and developing the divine faculties whereupon "it is born".
That being or emanated spirit of the Divinity in "the densificadora" stage we denominated it, better to include/understand this development, like "embryo" in the mineral and vegetal experiences, like "semi-conscience" in the experiences animals and "total conscience" in "the sutilizadora" stage.
This will be clearer when we see the difference between the different evolutionary points.
Within elliptical the evolutionary one we will begin by "the densificadora" stage.
The spiritual beings "are born" of the divinity and are impelled to the planes of experiences where they must develop all his faculties. They arrive at that first plane since "vibrant beams" of divine light and are grouped by the affinity that gives the equal moment them of birth. This affinity that is governed by the affinity law declares in all the orders of the true life, that is the spiritual life, and it is reflected in the human one.
The "embryos" grouped projecting to the physical plane without the subtlest form begin their experiences with vibrations that are those that will correspond soon in the physical planes to the mineral aspects.
Finished these experiences and assimilated, they happen to a denser spiritual plane (densificadora stage), and so on, of plane in plane, until arriving at where in addition they appear the vibrations that will be more ahead the vegetal kingdom.
This way it goes "descending", densificando themselves, making experience first with the subtle vibrations that will be the mineral kingdom and soon with those of the vegetal kingdom respectively, until arriving at the planes where they appear the vibrations of the very subtle kingdom animal, thus by all the subtle physical planes without form, until arriving at the previous one to the form. In each one of them it makes experience first with the vibrations that will constitute the mineral, soon the vegetable and later the animal.
In all these opportunities it is conforming his spiritual soul and developing the faculties of his spiritual mind by means of the following process: at the end of each complete experience in each one of the planes, the projection retrotrae and its spirit assimilates the experiences obtained in its spiritual mind and the gathered sensations assimilate them in their spiritual soul that in a beginning is soul that belongs to the group that is experimenting.
The assimilation of all these vibrations causes that it evolves and progresses, therefore in each one of these processes it changes his evolutionary point, is to say that it is advancing in the spiritual planes.
To the term, then, of the experience of the spirit in the plane, retrotrae their projection and the projected vibrations corresponding to their spiritual mind and its spiritual soul is gotten up to those aspects. Of that form the projection disappears getting up itself the wisdom acquired to the spiritual mind and the other vibrations to the spiritual soul.
We must leave in clear that retrotrae its projection single when totally the experience is finished that corresponds to him to make in each plane.
We must consider that as it descends to a denser plane the vibrations are diversified; its only vibration goes away "opening" in infinity of vibrations until it arrives at a plane like ours where the greater one of the diversifications is pronounced, pronounces the form.
This we can include/understand it better if we analyzed what happens when a light ray that is a single vibration happens through a prism; it is disturbed in rays of different colors, is diversified that unique ray. The prism in this case is the density of an object that interposes to the manifestation of the light. Thus it happens to our vibration when the density of the physical plane interposes to him to its manifestation, is pronounced diversified.
Since we have seen, from its birth, they make experiences in group form, is to say that they have still not become aware from its "individuality". They take contact with the vibrations by groups from birth and are conforming an organ of contact or shared soul.
It is to say that in a beginning the "embryos" have an organ of contact pertaining to the group and nonindividual. This shared organ or soul allows them to make experiences in some vibrations and to transmit them to the other embryos through that organ, with which all the embryos will have assimilated the experiences in all the vibrations without to have made experience in each one of them.
We must clarify that each "embryo" is by itself although has an organ of contact (soul) shared, is a unique being and univocal and it will be it eternally.
Arrived at the physical planes of form, like ours, the contact begins, as "embryo" with the mineral kingdom in group form without introducing itself continuously in the form, entering and leaving her; it follows in the forms of the vegetal kingdom in group form but they are introduced here in the form without taking it, remaining in her, as well as in the first forms of the kingdom animal. As is advancing in the kingdom animal the embryo takes the form to use it in its experience, it is to say that no longer it is introduced but that it is gotten up to the form, forming part of her; there it is where one becomes "semi-conscience", and is in this kingdom, where little by little it is waking up the conscience of its individuality, until taking forms very evolved, where the individuality is pronounced openly. Although the first experiences carry out them in group form already has a spying of their individuality that soon makes specific in evolved forms more.
The soul is an aspect shared in the densificación stage and all the experiences made by each one of the projections are assimilated by the set that already we saw that it formed by vibratory affinity.
Next we will see the process of how it happens of a "semi-conscience" that animal to "total conscience" experiences in the kingdom that must begin to experiment in the human kingdom.
Their last experiences in the kingdom animal do in animals that are in contact with the enemy with the humans.
This serves to go away becoming familiar with this new type of vibration.
Thus, little by little it is awaked the sensation of his ego, of his own I, his conscience of individual and arrived the moment, having returned to his spiritual plane leaving the forms already, it makes a process in the space to transform itself into "total conscience".
That process consists of which when waking up to the individuality and becoming aware true from its existence, the apprehended thing in the densificadora stage conforms its own spiritual soul yet and in addition it conforms his conscience of good and badly to the experimented thing, analyzing it with the purity of its emanated spiritual mind of the divinity. It already makes the spirit in the space outside the forms once concluded the densificadora stage. We return to repeat that it is when becomes aware total from its individuality, of its own I, is a "total conscience".
Becoming aware then total of its individuality, having its own spiritual soul that is the sum of the apprehended thing, becoming aware its own of good and badly that is the sum of the made experiences, then is enabled to initiate the first human experiences, is to say his first incarnations.
We will continue now with the sutilizadora stage.
The being or "total conscience" begins to prepare in his spiritual plane the incarnation, for which he makes a selection of the experiences that is going to make like flesh.
Of course that this process is governed by the law of incarnations that is the one who determines if the selected experiences are within the possibility of the being.
It does not allow to make no experience that exceeds the possibilities of that being, because that is Divine Justice. Once determined the all this spirit it carries out a projection from his spiritual plane to the incarnation plane.
That projection is going to conform its physical, visible and invisible bodies, according to the chosen experience. It is going to remain in the plane of experiences until everything finishes what came to make.
Sight this, the projection retrotrae when it finished the experiences that our spirit requested to make in that incarnation and redeemed all the negative vibrations that he generated. This means that the projection stays in the incarnation plane until it finds redeemed all the negative vibrations and finds made all the experiences anticipated for that incarnation, being able to take to this process several incarnations to him, is to say several human lives.
In the forcebodies we saw that all vibration emitted by us, positive or negative, returned to us with equal intensity and similarity.
This means that the vibrations that return us adhere to our projected particle and remain in her.
The positive ones until the experience is finished, retrotraiga the projection and is gotten up to the spiritual mind; the refusals disappear as in the present one or our next incarnations we obtain its.redemption.
Whenever desencarnamos the physical body is transformed into the minerals that compose it, the human mind in connection with the aspect of spiritual mind of the projection leaves in her the gathered vibrations and the human soul leaves its adhered vibrations to the aspect of spiritual soul of the projection. With the absorption of these vibrations the projection can to process all that information and to prepare its next incarnation.
In each one of the incarnations, our projected spirit tries to make the rest of experiences that it needs to make and to redeem all the committed errors. Let us remember that the law of incarnations single allows us to choose that for which we are prepared to make with the maximum of our effort.
Once flesh, is there where our difficulties, because we can exert our human will and frees will, reflected begin of ours volunta and it frees spiritual will, committing errors, not making the efforts necessary to obtain the overcomings, contracting debts with the law of the love, leaving us to drag by the human weaknesses, is to say that we are generating part of our next incarnation.
Thus we can realize that single divine justice allows that it arrives at our lives which we have requested to make in the space, which we have contracted like debt with the law of the love, and what the law of cause and effect makes us arrive that corresponds to the present life.
Some times the circumstances that appear to us correspond to facts of our present human life. If we analyzed ours deeply to drive we will see that this is fulfilled.
The projection, denominated in this evolutionary point "total conscience", determines the average physicists whereupon it is going to make his experience.
It begins to form his physical aspect from the conception, because it chooses the suitable parents to obtain the genetic and genealogical characteristics that correspond more with their necessity. There is a correspondence, governed by the law, between the necessity of experience that must make the being and the experience that must receive the parents through that being.
The parents receive the son who corresponds to them according to his experiences and the son arrives at the familiar sine that needs.
Also one chooses economic, artistic, scientific, social the surroundings, means, etc.
In addition the projection influences in the formation of the physical body, because their characteristics must be the suitable ones. It can show atrophies, predisposition for certain diseases, facilities for certain artistic, scientific, social, political manifestations.
Here it is worth to introduce an example that allows us to analyze the different qualities or atrophies that we can show in an incarnation and that at first we took it like a punishment.
If a being of certain evolution used the power of his mind to generate very sophisticated arms of destruction in an incarnation, in the next one he is very feasible that is born with a mental deficiency that does not allow him to use all its potential, with which is going to suffer when not being able to show all its mental aspect and of that way it will learn to use his single mind in good.
A facility for aspects of the art or the science can be declared that they have to do with the experiences assimilated in the elliptical one made until that moment. Although it can be that one is not such made experience in subjects, we must remember that we followed a "line" of experience, therefore have assimilated knowledge similar to the manifestations in our present life.
As well as we diminished the aspects that we must redeem, we harnessed those that mean obtained accomplishments.
It can be that we confront some spiritual task in certain human aspects that will be harnessed in the formation of our visible and invisible physical bodies.
If we requested to make the experience in high means economic and cannot pass the test because we dedicated all that economic power in subjugating, in managing greater to still be able, in using it single for our well-being, is feasible which soon we have a life in poverty to be able to give the true value the economic thing, to undergo the lack of solidarity, of altruism of which they have more and that we also denied.
It can happen that we make several lives in the poverty, because the only thing that we did was to rebel itself before that state, not accept it with the humility that corresponds, because if we happened through that experience it is so that our spirit needs it.
We can see in our surroundings very short incarnations, of you drink that they desencarnan producing in the parents immense pain and to affect in addition its surroundings.
These incarnations, generally, are done by evolved beings, who do by love fraterno, because they take all the work to prepare his incarnation to be very just a short time in our means and that in addition he does not serve to him as experience then already has surpassed all those aspects.
We see therefore the showed spiritual love, because it is not necessary to them to undergo inconvenient and pressures in his incarnations, nevertheless makes it with the single object help the humanity.
These beings of certain evolution make in addition incarnations to help to the medicine contracting diseases for which they lend themselves, with the purpose of which medical science sees in them certain unexpected results or that they prove certain treatments. We can see in those cases as the being accepts without revolt, with humility, a deep peace, its situation.
All this indicates that not whenever we see that a being undergoes certain facts, are by law of cause and effect, but that it can conceal a spiritual task of love towards the humanity, a group, towards a family, towards a being.
Those spiritual tasks are governed by the law of the love.
When we have requested before incarnating an accelerated purification to be able to be used soon in important spiritual tasks, the painful and purifying tests are more intense and constant, and thus badly instead of harming to us it is doing to us well.
For that reason never we must be rebelled before which it happens to us, to criticize or to judge to the others, because everything what it happens is within the cause law and effect, law of karma and law of experiences that are those that governs whatever we have developed in this part.
Thus when we are before being that suffers, as we do not know if it is by spiritual task or by "karma" we must help it with our projections of love, to surround it by our better feeling so that that suffering does not cause revolts to him that soon will bring new circumstances to him, for thus, with its acceptance to be able to surpass the moment.
We must think that as we obtain the necessary overcomings for our spirit we will be in better conditions for helping our brothers.
Let us remember that in each plane there are thousand and thousand beings in different evolutionary points that each plane includes.
When more elevated it is the plane more elevated are the beings, therefore they are in better conditions for helping with its wisdom and its power of action to other beings.
There the brotherhood, that brotherhood is demonstrated which we must be developing until reaching the universal brotherhood, is to say to love everything what exists in the universe.
We already are prepared to help to our resemblances with our word, our examples, our actions, our vibration, our orders.
Once surpassed the form planes, we will continue working in aid to the other beings brotherly, in subtle spiritual planes without form.
This task of aid fraterna is the one that allows us to continue evolving and progressing, because we developed our brotherhood, our will, our power of action, our wisdom.
Being already in those superior evolutionary points, since all the negative aspects have been surpassed, single it is incarnated with good purpose, it is to say with spiritual tasks that they bring to the humanity impulses of progress and evolution in certain aspects of the arts, of science, social, cultural, etc.
Of there the appearance of great scientists, philosophers, inventors, of beings who have left their mark to the passage by this planet. They are beings of great evolution, who single work by universal love.
Possibly we see in them human aspects of overcoming, but single they are aspects that do to their spiritual task, helping with his vibration beings who suffer their same problems.
Once we found managed to surpass all the experiences of this plane we will have obtained a new evolutionary point, therefore progressed in our spiritual plane and having assimilated in our spirit the wisdom and the power of action, we are in better conditions for helping other beings who are happening through our same experiences.
If we are incarnated we can help with our example, with our words, radiating to them our vibrations, having he presents/displays them in our thoughts, surrounding them with our better desires and from the space projecting on them the vibration by love, projecting forces to help them to them to pass the moments that correspond to him and peace for his soul.
We will advance now on another very important subject for our passage by this plane. Of which he forms we can help?
One of the forms most important is to preach with the example, that is to say, if we have aspects that to surpass, to demonstrate towards the other our efforts to surpass them, demonstrating advances in that sense with our action, not with our word.
When we must use the word? Single when we are before means in which we detect that he is permissible to our word, but this will not be listened to.
That it happens when we acted before a fact in distinguishing form to the habitual form?
The question will arise: Because you did not react? Because you did not attack it?
That is the moment for using our word to mention as they are some of our concepts to improve in the human aspect and to surpass ours you damage of pride and although apparently our words have been in vain, is not thus, because the same ones will give return in the minds of those who listened to us and at his moment they will produce the looked for effect.
When we cannot take physical contact with the facts that take place we have one of the forms most important to arrive with our aid that is the oration. If we took into account that in the spiritual planes beings of very many evolution dwell which they are prepared to help the humanities of the universal whole number, we can resort to its love and its power to make arrive the necessary aid to the beings involved in those facts.
When we thought about the angels, arcángeles, virgins and other saints, are not more than beings of very many evolution who have happened through our planet at their moment, or by other planets in the same line of experiences, or which they have made experiences similar to ours, or that they have incarnated in our planet by task-love, therefore they have affinity with our planet, and that now dwell in the highest planes and that they can to help the humanities, therefore we can resort to them by means of our orders, our orations, our invocations.
If we remembered that everything is handled vibratorily, we can, vibratorily, arrive at those beings in search of spiritual aid through the vibration of our word, of our thoughts expressed in the oration. The subject of the oration will be extended in Tenth Chapter - Prayer.
Their power of action, their brotherhood can make us arrive the forces necessary to happen more through the circumstances that correspond to us more fortified, prepared spiritually to bear the facts of our life.


The evolution law mainly governs the created thing on the universal whole number, on each one of the existing aspects.
In order to make this simpler we will watch our planet. It acts then on all the forms, minerals, vegetables, human animals and anticipating each passage of its evolution. To consult Second Chapter.
In each one of them it makes the necessary evolution for our experiences. It began on the first mineral forms, soon gave beginning to the vegetal forms, everything for our experience like "divine embryo".
In order to happen of the mineral to the vegetable it was generating the first cells vegetal in whose formation there are mineral aspects of forms. Soon it continued evolving the vegetal kingdom towards more complex forms.
In order to happen of the vegetable to the animal forms were generated unicellular animals that contained aspects of vegetal forms. It continued being developed until arriving at animals extremely developed. This went like answer to the necessity of the "divine embryos" when reaching the evolutionary point "semi-conscience".
In order to make all these changes the law of evolution affects the cellular elements, chromosomes or genes, imprimiendo to them the necessary characteristics for each evolutionary stage.
These changes have to do with the necessity of experience of the "divine seeds", that at some moment of their evolution need the human form already.
In order to make the passage of the form animal to the human form the evolution law acted on forms animals extremely developed as they are primates.
As it was his action? Imprimió vibrations of genetic changes in the reproductive genes to cause the necessary changes in that reproduction. After being developed those changes during some generations of primates, they caused the birth of the human species, the primitive, coincident man with the necessity of the "semi-conscience" in reaching "the conscience-total" point.
This birth took place in a while then determined by the evolution law, in spontaneous form. Primate to the human form was not a gradual change of the form, but that determined primates, selected by the law, whose advanced evolutionary point it allowed the introduction of the vibration of genetic change, was born the human form.
Summarizing: The change took place in the reproductive genes and was as a result of the necessity to use human forms of the "divine seeds" that experiment like "semi-conscience" and which they must advance to the evolutionary point "total conscience".
This same process is made so that the human form evolves towards the sutilización.
The evolution law hits in our genes to produce the changes in the human form.
As example we can see the changes of the primitive form the present one. We can also anticipate that it will change little by little our digestive apparatus because we must arrive at such point of sutilización that will be single necessary the energy like food.
Thus wrath changing all our so dense physical body towards subtler other.
As our planet evolves by law towards subtlest and at some moment of that evolution it is going to happen to another subtler plane, it accompanies by that way the evolution of all whatever exists in him. This means that if we deliver the attack to purify all our aspects and fulfilled all the overcomings that correspond to us to obtain, we continue accompanying this planet. If we followed by the negative way and we did not accompany the evolution, we deepened ours desarmonía with the evolutionary process, when this it changes of plane we must leave the planet and go to an inferior planet.
In that inferior planet we will feel a great spiritual pain when not being able to show all our force of action, our spiritual power. Of all ways as the law is love in action gives the opportunity us that in that inferior planet, as it excels our evolutionary point, we constitute ourselves in guides of those humanities to be able to help love yet and to exert humility from that position.
Of that way the law allows us to react and to retake our evolutionary rate, that must be always within the universal rate of evolution, to be obtaining the evolutionary points that correspond to us.
Let us analyze deeply these concepts because as it is come off such, "we will lose the train" and soon very many effort will cost to us to reach it.

Elliptical Evolution Process

The planes are located, taking them in reduction, is to say of highest to densest, of the following way: first the divine planes are located in which all "the divinizados" beings are located, that is to say, divine seeds that completed their stages of densificación and sutilización and arrived at the stage of "divinización".
Soon they are located, always in reduction, the spiritual planes where the "divine seeds" that already, outside physical planes, are in process towards the stage of "divinización", without to have arrived at her still dwell.
Soon the physical planes are, in descendent scale, from subtlest to densest, without form, to arriving at the physical plane of form, where it is located our planet.
The subtle physical planes without form include from the vibration of greater subtility to the subtle vibration without denser form as step previous to the form.
Through these planes the "divine seeds" do all their elliptical one, descending from their subtility as embryo just "born" to the human form, point of greater density and diversification, and from there ascending, always by such flat, to arriving at the divinización stage, to being located in divine planes like being divinizado.
The being is born like pure mind, only aspect, and through the stage of densificación, reduction, he is taking from each plane the sensorial aspects that adhere to their mental aspect forming their spiritual soul and develops to all the faculties and powers. The soul constitutes the contact organ because it is satisfied to the sensorial vibrations of each one of the planes in reduction.
During the beginnings of its human experience, still stage of "densificación", also incorporates vibrations to its soul and continues developing its mental aspect, until arrived at determined evolutionary point begins its stage of "sutilización", ascent until arriving at the "divinización".
In this stage of sutilización it continues developing to his faculties and powers, but it is leaving in each plane in ascent the vibrations, undressing of them, who conformed their spiritual soul when she happened through those same planes in reduction, until arriving at the divine planes, where she returns to be pure mind but with all his developed faculties and powers. It is to say that the subtle planes until arriving at the one from the forms that use in reduction, of but sutíl to but the dense one, are such that it uses in its ascent, is to say in their stage of sutilización, of densest to but sutíl and in them is leaving the vibrations that correspond to him to each plane.

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  - English/Español
  - The Kirlian Effect
  - The universalism of the Religions
  - Update of concepts in the Catholic Church
  - Science Position about the Tora II
Chapter 1
  - Scientific studies on vibrations
  - Physical Centers and Spiritual Centers
  - Chakras or Plexus
  - Kirlian Camera
Chapter 2
  - Human aspects and Spiritual Aspects
  - Classification of the vibrations
  - Encarnation and death
  - Evolution and Progress
  - Primitive man and Scientific Man
  - Law of Action and Reaction
  - Law of Evolution
Chapter 3
  - Evolution Elliptics
  - Kingdoms of Nature
  - Geological Ages
  - Evolutionary Process
Chapter 4
  - Reincarnation
Chapter 5
  - Selfish Love
  - Tolerance
  - Anger
  - Fanaticism
Chapter 6
  - Jealousy
  - Hatred
  - Pain
  - Critisism
  - Fraternity
Chapter 7
  - Will
  - Free Will
  - Discernmet
  - Spiritual and Human Faith
Chapter 8
  - Spiritual and Human Power
  - Good and Evil
  - Conclusions
Chapter 9
  - Spiritual and Human Trayectory
  - Spiritual Tasks in our world
  - Human Form
  - Elliptical Evolution Process
Chapter 10
  - Prayer
  - Spiritual and Physical Planes
Chapter 11
  - Incarnation
  - Transmigration
  - Cremation
  - Suicide
Chapter 12
  - Astral Plane
Prologue Second Part Chapter 13
  - Evolutionary elliptical
  - Plans Divine, Spiritual, and Physical
Chapter 14
  - Reincarnations
  - Spiritual Development
Chapter 15
  - Soul Mates
  - Human Form
Chapter 16
  - Conjunctions
  - Cores
  - Christic Cores
Chapter 17
  - Vibratory Spotlights
Chapter 18
  - Evolving life and not evolving
  - Vibration Elements
Chapter 19
  - Types of Life - Mental - Astral - Physics

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